Friday, April 28, 2006

Agricultural Crime Enforcement

The Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Department is active in the fight against agricultural crime, offenses which are often unnoticed by our city friends or underreported due to manpower constraints out in the country. Charlse H. Bronson, the Commissioner, reporter in today's Sun-Herald that a pair of goniffs in possession of a trailer load of stolen fruit and produce were grabbed and lodged in the Nassau County jail on grand theft charges.

It is also reported that the Agriculture Law Department is instituting the ACTION project which was developed by Tulare County, California DA Phillip Cline and his dedicated staff. I dug into this subject a few years ago and it's heartening to see people taking the subject of agriculture related crime seriously for a change. The program tracks agriculture related crimes and shares information with law enforcement agencies. The Florida ACTION program, once it is up and running, will collect and distribute agriculture related crime information.

Good work, y'all. We could use it here in Iowa.


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