Friday, April 21, 2006

Death on the Farm II

It was reported earlier this week by the Register that there was another fire at a another hog confinement operation in Iowa in which better than 400 hogs were killed by a fast moving fire that started when an electric heater malfunctioned. This is the second occurrence of this type in as many weeks.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again: if you don't have the skills of a commercial electrician, for heaven's sake leave the job to the professionals. Hire a reputable commercial electrician in your community.

He or she will thank you for supporting the local economy. After you've made the necessary repairs and your farm's electr9ical system has gotten a clean bill of health, do your hogs a favor and have the electrician over every few months to look over any new installations or equipment that's been giving you trouble. Even if it's only to pour the electrician a cup of coffee. It's money well spent. Livestock that the dead hauler takes aren't of much use to anyone.


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