Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Knuckling Under To The Inevitable

We've recently received a copy of a draft report for the Foreign Relations committee issued under the aegis of Senator Richard Lugar, R-Indiana and it is interesting reading. 

I'll cut right to the chase. What it says is this: 

"Nevertheless we must recognize the ineffectiveness of our current policy and deal with the Cuban regime in a way that enhances US interests."

That's right folks. Rip van Winkle and Sleeping Beauty both concur that the last 47 years of isolation policy has been an abysmal failure.

US policy has provided Cuba "with both a convenient, though overblown, scapegoat for its economic difficulties and an external threat with which to justify its authoritarianism."

Is it any surprise that this comes from a farm state senator?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Critters Behaving Badly

I've been thinking about how to breathe new life into this blog and as things would have it there was a dandy news story today to kick off the new! better than ever! down and dirty! Law Down On the Farm.

The New York Times informs us this day that a 55 year old woman was severely mauled by a 200 pound chimpanzee with miles of bad attitude. Travis the chimp, who had appeared in several commercials, was said to have contracted Lyme disease-which explains part of his grumpiness-and was being dosed by his owner with Xanax, which is just plain stupid.

What's even more stupid is that Travis was wandering around the property like one of the family, could drink from a wine glass and use a computer as well as being able to dress and bathe himself-which makes him smarter than the average high school student.

Travis attacked a friend of the owner, who picked up a butcher knife and ventilated the simian-who subsequently attacked a police car and its occupant-all of which earned Travis a lesson in ballistics from Professor Colt.