It appears I've been taken to task for my views on this subject by one Benno Hansen, a fellow from Denmark. He has posted a comment and links to his blog below, wherein he makes much of the fact that I moderate comments before I allow them to be posted and sometimes it takes a while to get a 'round tuit' as we say.
Benno thinks I'm a stooge for Monsanto and an apostle of corporate greed.
It also seems that the sponsors of his blog are on my ISP's list of problem spammers, and my emails have gone unanswered, or else I would have posted my comments to the blog of this self confessed spammer. So be it. I am not interested in spending half the morning getting Mediacom to unblock the site just for l'il ole me.
Here's the substance of my remarks.
Benno, there are no conspiracies here-only differences of opinion. You need not be catty or supercilious-it does not add to the fund of mutual knowledge.
While I am honored that the ramblings of this country lawyer appeared momentous and threatening enough to be remarked on in the great nation of Denmark, let me clarify a few items for the record.
I am not a corporate stooge in the service of the Great Satan Monsanto.
I am not trying to cram GMOs down the throats of poor farmers in their loincloths.
I live in a modest apartment.
I drive a 20 year old Mitsubishi pickup truck with 240,000 km on the clock. That is what you call living the recycling lifestyle.
I have a mountain of debt for my education that in all likelihood will outlive me.
I'm a struggling teacher and most of my clients are indigents charged with criminal offenses.
I did not have a college degree until the age of 45.
I have to mow the lawn today to keep the landlord happy.
I'm teaching myself welding.
I have kids and grandkids.
My knees hurt going up the stairs at the courthouse.
I spent most of my working life as a factory worker, auto parts clerk, millhand, and tow truck driver.
I vote Democratic.
My working class credentials are, to put it bluntly, impeccable.
I also have a master in laws degree in agricultural law from the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. It is the only such program in the US and maybe the entire world, judging from the number of foreign students that attend. I also work with the Drake University agricultural law center from time to time on projects of interest to the Director.
So I know a little about agriculture, law, legislation and policy. In fact. I've been published on such subjects a number of times.
I have three clients that are corporations.
One is a farmer's cooperative that raises Berkshire hogs on grass.
(Parenthetically, organizing that was a real experiment in how democracy works for people who work with their hands. I may write about it some day).
One is a nonprofit that provides mental health services to people in rural America.
One is a small electroplating shop run by an expat Austrian.
That's it, folks. No Great Satan here. Just a working stiff on temporary desk duty trying to make a living.
I also know a manufactured controversy when I see one, and that's what this is all about.
But don't take my word for it. In fact, don't take anyone's word for it.
Read CPA 81 Article 3 for yourselves. Make up your own mind about whether it's a war crime as Benno Hansen thinks, or whether there are more important things to waste time over.
If you think it's a war crime, stop by to collect your aluminum foil hats and Koolaid.